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About NPTEL Awareness Workshops for faculty

The aim of NPTEL Awareness Workshops is to create maximum awareness among faculty members about NPTEL and its various initiatives. The workshop will include sessions on NPTEL and its features, NPTEL Online Certification courses and the concept of NPTEL Local Chapter. NPTEL and the host Institute will jointly organize the workshop. The host college will invite 2-3 faculty members from colleges (both Engineering Institutions and Arts and Science colleges) that are within a radius of 150 km. Typical duration of the workshop: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm.

NPTEL is now conducting e-awareness workshops also in association with its partner colleges.

Expected outcome: The faculty will become aware of NPTEL and how it can be used and can take it back to the Heads of their institutions for implementation in the best way to benefit their students. These members can also have a session with their students, where they can explain about NPTEL to them.

Note: Workshop requests from colleges will be entertained only under the following conditions:
1) Similar workshops have not been conducted so far in the region where the college is located (at least in the last 2 years)
2) Availability of NPTEL coordinators and Resource persons from the IITs / IISc