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What is NPTEL?

NPTEL is an acronym for National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning which is an initiative by seven Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras and Roorkee) and Indian Institute of Science (IISc) for creating course contents in engineering and science. NPTEL provides E-learning through online Web and Video courses in Engineering, Science and Humanities streams.

What is NOC?

NOC stands for NPTEL Online Certification. NPTEL is now offering online certification courses through its portal https://nptel.ac.in/courses. There are 4wk, 8wk as well as 12wk courses offered twice a year.

What do I have to do to get a certificate?

One has to join the course, submit weekly Assignments, register+pay for exams & finally write the in-person-at-centre proctored exams.
The pass criteria for exams is being changed from July 2019. A learner will pass and be certified only if Average assignment score (out of 100) >= 40 AND Final exam score ( out of 100) >= 40. That is, to clear the exam you have to score a minimum of 10 out of 25% in the assignment and 30 out of 75% in the final proctored exam.
The pass criteria also depends on the courses. The above mentioned is applicable for most of the courses but for those courses which have non proctored programming exams and for medical courses, the pass criteria is different and will be mentioned in the course announcement page.